Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Give Yipit a try (sponsored post, eek)

I get emails all the time asking me to shill for various products and services. Usually, having no relationship with the thing on offer and not really seeing how they'll help you readers, I ignore them. But when I got an email from the people at Yipit, I actually perked up-- Yipit is something I've used for a month or two now, and since I really like it (honestly), I'll share it with you all.

This is the logo they sent me. Ain't it pretty?

Maybe you've heard of Groupon, or BlackboardEats, or KGB Deals, or any of a whole number of deal sites that deliver NYC-based deals and coupons to your inbox. Maybe you're sick of having all those individual emails clog up said inbox. Yipit solves that problem-- it gathers all those various deal websites in one missive, sends it your way, and gives you a nice little pat on the head. (Okay, it doesn't do the third thing, but it does do steps one and two.) Oftentimes there are some great deals on restaurants and bars, and equally often you'll be whipping out your credit card and buying some coupons before you can say "I blacked out, what just happened?"

So, do you like coupons? Yes, Mr. Ford. Do you like saving money? Yes, Mr. Ford. Click here to sign up for Yipit and it'll make your life easier. Scout's honor.

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled programming...

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