Thursday, August 26, 2010

Green Apple gelato provides the old standards

After dinner with SL, we took a short stroll around Nolita, and of course my eyes were out for something sweet. We turned the corner and were faced with Green Apple, a tiny combination macaron-and-gelato shop. Sure, that would do. Two tastes of gelato later, and I was on my way with a small cup of half hazelnut, half coconut.

Mmm, snozzberries

Both flavors were smooth, sweet, and true to form-- the hazelnut tasted like hazelnut; the coconut like coconut, and the snozzberries tasted like snozberries. Both textures were uniform; the hazelnut had no crushed nuts, and the coconut lacked any coconut shards (for better or for worse, depending on your tolerance of coconut texture). The portion was pretty ample for a small, and the kind man behind the counter allowed me to pack two flavors into the small cup, which is more than can be said for a number of gelato shops around town. Overall, this was a perfectly satisfactory experience: Nothing groundbreaking or revolutionary, but certainly something to satisfy the cool-and-sweet craving when it rears its ugly head.

Green Apple
202A Mott Street

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