Saturday, June 28, 2008

NYC Icy, chapter III

Made another trip to NYC Icy yesterday (it's truly addictive). This time, some of the flavors were familiar, some were new:

Apparently, they have about 130 flavors and rotate them through, with about 30 out at any given time

I tried the key lime pie and the vanilla chip cream icies. The key lime pie was not so good-- it actually tasted much more like a potent, sour margarita than smooth, sweet key lime pie. But it did have chunks of pie crust scattered throughout it, which was a yummy bonus surprise. I'd suggest they take out the pie crust and rebrand this as margarita-- perhaps I'd have enjoyed it more?

The vanilla chip was north-of-standard vanilla with chocolate chunks. NYC Icy deserves a lot of respect for serving actual, large chunks of chocolate in its ice cream-- none of these lame shards of chocolate you might find elsewhere. If you're craving chocolate chip ice cream, this flavor is your bag.

I went for a small cup of the honey vanilla. It tasted much more of vanilla than honey, definitely not a knock-you-over honey flavor of the type you might see in regular ice creams (see my post on Craftbar for more on that). Rather, it was more of a subtle, not-quite-vanilla flavor-- very mild and subtle, as the man behind the counter pointed out. Plus, it had the signature NYC Icy texture, sort of in between hard ice cream and soft serve, melty and frothy and almost stringy.

A wave of honey vanilla cresting over the side

I'll be back...

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